A well-lit, elegant bathroom features two large white vanities with granite countertops, each with a decorative mirror and light fixture above. In the center, a doorway reveals a glimpse of a cozy bedroom. Towels and accessories add a touch of color and warmth.

Increase Your Home Value with Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling

If you’re considering selling your home in the future, kitchen remodeling and bathroom remodeling will update these high-traffic rooms and increase your home’s value. Keep in mind, if you renovate these rooms and remain in your home for a few years, you’ll enjoy the renovations with your family and still receive the benefit of a higher sale price.

Where should you begin kitchen and bathroom remodeling research? William French Home Improvements offers expert remodeling and five-star customer service. We can help you with all aspects of home remodeling, so give us a call at 469-305-0700.

In today’s blog, we’ll explore the average return on investment for kitchen and bathroom remodeling.

Home Value Increase

How Much to Spend on Remodeling: Forbes.com recommends spending up to 10% of your home’s value on a kitchen remodel, to see a good return on your investment. 

Return on Investment for Kitchen Remodeling: Remodeling Magazine, in 2022, revealed that kitchen remodeling has an investment return of 52.5-71.2% nationally. This means that if your home’s value is $450K, and you spend up to $45K on remodeling your kitchen, you can expect about 60% of that investment ($27K) when you sell the home. Instead of selling for $450K, you should be able to sell for $472K.

The trade journal Remodeling published the “2023 Cost vs Value Report” which states that ROI on cosmetic upgrades to a kitchen, like replacing flooring, countertops, appliances, and cabinet fronts, and repainting both walls and ceiling, can yield a return on investment of 85.7% (up from 71.2% in 2022). This is based on a job cost of around $27K and mid-level upgrades. As the cost of a renovation increases to include lighting, upscale appliances, new cabinets (not just doors), etc., the percentage of return on investment declines to 30-40%, which is still a great return.

Return on Investment for Bathroom Remodeling: As with a kitchen remodel, mid-range bathroom remodeling projects yield a higher percentage of return, approximately 67%, than pricier projects. For instance, if in addition to painting and replacing countertops and cabinet doors you increase a bathroom’s size, add a walk-in shower, and relocate fixtures, the investment may yield only 37% return. This is still a respectable profit.

Keep This in Mind

Don’t Over-personalize a Remodel: Kitchen and bathroom renovation projects that are very personalized to the homeowner’s tastes may not increase the project’s ROI. For instance, let’s say you love Elvis Presley. Redecorating your bathroom in Elvis-themed wallpaper and installing a chandelier and gold toilet will not appeal to most buyers. In fact, this type of personalized remodeling and redecorating could devalue your home. (If you aren’t selling your home in the next few years, personalize to your heart’s content! Just know that you’ll need to invest in at least a moderate remodel before selling.)

Get Ideas: When you remodel a kitchen or bathroom to increase a home’s resale value, the design should be fairly neutral so that it appeals to most, if not all, potential buyers. Look at home improvement and interior design websites and magazines, and watch some HGTV to learn about the most popular colors, design elements, and layouts that are popular today. 

Right now, white, gray, and black are popular home interior color choices. Granite countertops and kitchen islands are also quite popular.

Choose Energy-Efficient Options: With energy costs at all-time highs, homeowners who invest in “green” or energy-efficient options during remodels will see a good return on their investment. For instance, converting an HVAC to a heat pump can yield over 100% return on your investment. And here’s a bonus: converting to a more energy-efficient home may earn you tax credits and rebates. Read up on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to learn more.

You can also opt for energy-efficient windows, which could improve your home’s curb appeal–a major factor in how potential buyers view a home. New windows can also make a bathroom or kitchen seem brighter and fresher.

Answers to Your Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling Questions

Call William French Home Improvements today at 469-305-0700 to discuss your bathroom remodeling or kitchen remodeling project. We help homeowners make wise investments to optimize a home’s resale value. We serve clients in the greater Dallas-Fort Worth area, including Lewisville, Plano, and North Dallas.

By Published On: May 23rd, 2024Categories: Remodeling

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